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Audit International 24.00 - Content Updates

Caseware® International Inc. licenses certain content for Audit International under agreement with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada). The content provides non-authoritative guidance on applying International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. These forms are designed to assist practitioners in the implementation of the ISAs and are not intended as a substitute for the ISAs themselves. CPA Canada updates their content on a regular basis and practitioners should ensure that they are using the most up to date version of all forms.


This version of Audit International includes the changes and new requirements in ISA 315 (Revised 2019) and are intended to clarify and assist auditors in identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement more consistently and robustly. What has not changed is the audit risk model and the objective to identify and assess risks of material misstatement at the financial statement and assertion levels, whether due to fraud or error, to help design the audit response. As a result of these changes and new requirements updates were made to Audit International 24.00. Before updating the template, review the information outlined below in addition to the new content updates.

New forms

Added a worksheet for understanding the information flow in business process under the Implementation of Controls/Walkthrough Procedures folder:

  • Form 566 Worksheet - Information flow - Business process

Added a supplementary checklist for agricultural asset count under the Supplementary folder:

  • SUP3.110 Agricultural asset count checklist

Added an audit memo for engagements following ISA 315 (Revised) rather than ISA 315 (Revised 2019) under the Audit folder:

  • ONEFORMX. Audit Memo

Added a risk report for assessing inherent risk following ISA 315 (Revised 2019) under the Risk Assessment Summary folder:

  • 520E.8 Risk report - Inherent risk assessment

Added risk reports for engagements following ISA 315 (Revised) rather than ISA 315 (Revised 2019) under various folders:

  • 520E.101 Risk report - Risk identification
  • 520E.102 Risk report - Fraud risk
  • 520E.103 Risk report - Business risk
  • 520E.104 Risk report - Risk per cycle
  • 520E.105 Risk report - Summary of control risk assessment
  • 520E.106 Risk report - Risk assessment
  • 520E.107 Risk report - Risk addressed

New profiles

Three additional profiles were added for engagements following ISA 315 (Revised) rather than ISA 315 (Revised 2019):

  • Previous Oneform+
  • Previous Core
  • Previous Tailor per engagement

Changes in tags

Changes were made to include forms from the Tailor per engagement profile in the Core profile:

  • 506. Worksheet - Identifying fraud risks (Core)
  • 511. Understanding the IT environment (Core)
  • 511-1. Understanding the IT environment - Listing (Core)
  • 531. General IT controls (Core)

Deletion of Condensed forms

Condensed forms have been discontinued.

Content updates

Audit International includes the following content updates in addition to What's New - Audit 24.00.

Engagement file setup

Form numbers Description

Added new procedures related to Profile information, ISA 315 (Revised 2019), and Agricultural asset count.

Deleted a procedure relating to Condensed forms.

Major change to Risk report views and Going concern procedures.

Minor changes to Special purpose financial statements, and Supplementary procedures.


Added new procedures related to Profile information, ISA 315 (Revised 2019), and Agricultural asset count.

Major change to Risk report views procedure.

Minor change to Supplementary procedure.


Added new procedures related to Profile information, ISA 315 (Revised 2019), IT environment and Agricultural asset count.

Deleted a procedure relating to Condensed forms.

Major change to Risk report views procedure.

Minor change to Special purpose financial statements and Supplementary procedures.


Added new procedures related to Inventory count and Agricultural asset count.

Minor change to Supplementary procedure.


Form numbers Description

Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

ONEFORMX. NEW New form added for Previous Oneform + profile.


Form numbers Description
405C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
430. Minor changes to 2 procedures.
430C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.

Major changes to 5 procedures.

Minor changes to 3 procedures.

Added 5 new procedures.

Updated document guidance.

455C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
436C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
420. Updated the year end close calculation in the performance materiality table to work the same as overall materiality.
436C-1 Deleted condensed forms from the template.

Risk assessment

Form numbers Description

Minor changes to 3 procedures.

Updated document guidance.

Modified form name and tag to reflect the change of this form to Core profile.


Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Moved Understanding the entity’s business model, objectives, strategies and related business risks to a subsection of Section B.

Updated document guidance.

510C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.

Minor changes to 8 procedures.

Updated document guidance.

Modified form name and tag to reflect the change of this form to Core profile.

511-1. Updated document guidance.

Updated 1 procedure for each estimates section.

Updated document guidance.

520E.1 Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019). Updated document guidance.
520E.101 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.1.
520E.2 Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019). Updated document guidance.
520E.102 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.2.

Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Updated document guidance.

520E.103 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.3.

Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Updated document guidance.

520E.104 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.4.

Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Updated document guidance.


Updated document guidance.

Modified form name and tag to reflect the change of this form to Core profile.

566. NEW New form.

Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Updated document guidance.

520E.105 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.5.

Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Updated document guidance.

520E.106 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.6.
520E.8 NEW New form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).
520E. Updated document guidance.

Risk response

Form numbers Description
605C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
5102 Minor changes to 1 procedure.

Audit plans and procedures

Form numbers Description

Minor changes to 3 procedures.

Major changes to 7 procedures.

Deleted 1 procedure.

SUP3.110 NEW New form.

Completion documents

Form numbers Description
335. Updated the top performance materiality value to populate from final performance materiality in Form 420. instead of preliminary.

Added 6 new procedures.

Major changes to 10 procedures.

Minor changes to 17 procedures.

Deleted 2 procedures.

Updated document guidance.


Minor changes to 3 procedures.

Updated document guidance.


Updated form for ISA 315 (Revised 2019).

Updated document guidance.

520E.107 NEW New form created for ISA 315 (Revised) using previous view used in 23.00 520E.7.

Caseware Audit System documents

Form numbers Description
Q Updated links to remove condensed forms.

Original toolkit forms (replaced by Caseware automated tools)

Form numbers Description
420C. DELETED Deleted the condensed toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
590-PREVIOUS DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
590. NEW Replaced the 590-PREVIOUS toolkit form with the new toolkit form.
501.ALT NEW Added a new toolkit form as an alternative to Form 501.
511.ALT NEW Added a new toolkit form as an alternative to Form 511. and Form 511.-1.
520. (Excel) DELETED Replaced the Excel form with the Word form.
520. (Word) NEW Replaced the original toolkit Form 520. Excel form with the new Word form.
520C. DELETED Deleted the condensed toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
522. DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant. Form 520. replaces this toolkit form.
522C. DELETED Deleted the condensed toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
524. DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
530.ALT NEW Added a new toolkit form as an alternative to Form 530.
535.ALT NEW Added a new toolkit form to supplement new toolkit Form 530.ALT.
540.ALT NEW Added a new toolkit form as an alternative to Forms 540.-562.
550.ALT NEW Added a new toolkit form as an alternative to Forms 540.-562.
530C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
540C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
545C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
550C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
555C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
560C. DELETED Deleted condensed forms from the template.
570. DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
582. DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
584. DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.
585. DELETED Deleted the toolkit form as it is no longer relevant.

AO - General Risk Options updates

Changes to Risk, including new available properties.

Category Minimal / Basic / OneForm OneForm+ Core Tailor per engagement Previous OneForm+ Previous Core Previous Tailor per engagement
Enable risks - - - - Enabled Enabled Enabled
Inherent risk - Enabled - - - Enabled Enabled
Control risk - Enabled - - - Enabled Enabled
RMM - Sig., H,M,L, Insign. Sig., H,M,L, Insign. Sig., H,M,L, Insign. High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low
Likelihood to occur - - Enabled - - - Enabled
Magnitude - - Enabled - - - Enabled
What can go wrong - Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
Source/reference - - - - Enabled Enabled Enabled
Inherent Risk Factors NEW - - - - - - -
Inherent Risk Factors Categories NEW - - - - - - -
Inherent Risk Factors Description NEW - Enabled Enabled Enabled - - -
Significant risk - - - - Enabled Enabled Enabled
Procedures other than substantive - - Enabled Enabled - - Enabled
Management response - - - - - Enabled Enabled
Risk treatment/mitigation - - - - - Enabled Enabled
Controls exist to mitigate the risk - - - - - Enabled Enabled
Audit response table - - - - Enabled Enabled Enabled
Audit has properly addressed the risk - - - - Enabled Enabled Enabled
Business cycles affected - - - - - Enabled Enabled
Risk response assertions details - - - - Enabled Enabled Enabled
Financial Statement Level Renamed from Entity Level - Renamed Renamed Renamed Renamed Renamed Renamed

AO - Financial Statement Areas Worksheet - RMM Defined Score updates

Profiles : OneForm+, Core, Tailor per engagement

Profiles: Previous OneForm+, Previous Core, Previous Tailor per engagement

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