Select an engagement profile
Engagement profiles are defined by firm authors that are customized for different types of engagements. Engagement profiles include specific documents and global settings that are applied to your engagement when selected. You can select an engagement profile during the creation of a new file, or within an existing file.
To select an engagement profile in a new file:
- Open Working Papers and click File | New.
- Enter a new file name, then select the appropriate template as your base file, and click Create file.
- In the Engagement Profile Selector dialog, select a profile and click OK.
You have set the engagement profile in a new file. If you selected the incorrect profile, you can always change the engagement profile in an existing file.
To change the engagement profile in an existing file:
- Open an existing Working Papers file. From the Document Manager, open the AO - General options document.
- Under Engagement Profiles locate the new engagement profile, then click the load profile icon (
You have changed the engagement profile in an existing file. Your global settings will update according to the new engagement profile, and documents will not be added or removed from your engagement. You can manually add documents from a Document Library, or remove them from the Document Manager.
You can view a comparison of the default engagement profiles included in the
Note: If the firm author has not enabled engagement profiles for your file, changing an engagement profile will not be available. Instead, a Check for Updates button displays in the AO - General options document. Click Check for Updates to ensure your file is updated to include all of the changes that have been made by the firm author.
This online help system applies to all CaseWare Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.