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TOTAL Function

The TOTAL function calculates the sum of a range of cell values.

TOTAL(first cell..last cell,<step>,<argument>)

The first and last cells denote the range to be totalled.

<step> and <argument> are optional. <step> specifies if cells should not be included. Its value indicates the increment the function makes while choosing which cells to include in its calculation. The default value is 1 (include all).

<argument> controls what value types are included. The default behaviour is to sum the content of all the cells in the given range.

Valid values for <argument> are as follows:


The function returns the count of all cells in the range.


The function returns the count of all cells in the range that have a non-zero value.


The function returns the sum of all cells in the range that have a positive value.


The function returns the sum of all cells in the range with a negative value.

A cell with a zero value is a cell that is empty or that contains a blank.

  • If the argument is used then a constant must be specified.
  • If the cells are alphanumeric, the TOTAL function returns zero as the value.


Returns the sum of all cells numbered c1 to c9.


Returns the sum of cells numbered c2, c4, c6, c8, c10.


Returns the count of all non-zero value cells in the range c2 to c10.

A detailed example is available.

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