Line Style command

Use the Line Style dialog to insert a line at the cursor position or edit the properties for an existing line. To edit the line style quickly, double-click the line in the document.

To access this dialog, on the Insert tab, click Line Style.

Select options for the appearance of the line.

Line Thickness

Type or select the thickness of the line expressed in points (1/72 inch)

Double Line

If enabled, the line will be a double line.

Select the location of the line in relation to the text.

Draw at the Top of Line

If enabled, the line appears at the top of the line. If left blank, the line appears at the bottom of the line.

Distance from top of line

Type or select the distance from the top of the line. If left at zero, the line will commence at the very top of the line.

Select a control for the extending the line.

Indent to indent

If selected, the line extends from left to right indent.

Margin to margin

If selected, the line extends from left margin to right margin.

Fixed width

Select this option to use a precise measurement for the width of the line. Type or select the width of the line in the box provided.

  • In the Form Mode with editing enabled, lines can be edited either through either double-clicking the line or by using the right mouse button menu.

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