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Firm Library - Working with cells

Financials provides options that enable you to edit and work with most individual cells.

Editing Cells and Cell Attributes

When you are in a Firm Library document for a financial statement area, you can edit most individual cells. You can change the cell attributes, renumber the cell, or use the CaseView Edit Cell dialog to edit the cell properties

  1. In the Firm Library document, right-click the cell to be edited.
  2. Select Formatting | Other or Other, and then one or more of the properties described in Other shortcut menu.

The cell is edited as specified.

Showing and Hiding Cell Numbers in Tooltips

When you are in a Firm Library document for a financial statement area, you can specify whether the cell number is to be included in the tooltip that appears when you hover over a cell. Displaying the cell numbers can be helpful when you are creating your own formulas and want to reference an existing cell or use the cell in the calculation.

  1. To show cell numbers in tooltips, in the Firm Library document, from the Home tab, in the View group, click Show Cell Numbers in Tooltips. This option is available only if the cell numbers are hidden.
  2. To hide cell numbers in tooltips, in the Firm Library document, from the Hometab, in the View group, click Hide Cell Numbers in Tooltips. This option is available only if the cell numbers are visible.

Cell numbers are displayed or hidden in tooltips, depending on the option selected.

Setting Items to Display Only

When editing content in a financial statement area, you can specify that one or more cells in the selected rows of a table are to be displayed on the screen but not printed.

  1. In the Firm Library document for the financial statement area, click in the line in which items are to be displayed only.
  2. From the Table Tools tab, in the Row Properties group, click Print.
  3. From the Row Print Options dialog, select the columns that are to be displayed but not printed.

  4. Click OK.

The selected cells in the row are displayed but not printed.