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The CELLLABEL function returns the cell label of the current cell as a string into the current cell.

CELLLABEL(<cell number>)

If a cell number is specified, it returns the cell label of that cell as a string. This reference must be a direct cell reference. If a cell is not identified, then the function returns the cell label of the current cell.

Enter CELLLABEL() in a cell with a cell label "Year end Calculation", returns "Year end Calculation".

Enter CELLLABEL(ABC.D3) returns the cell label of cell ABC.D3. If that cell has no label, the function returns an empty cell. If the cell label is a function, then CELLLABEL() returns the results of that function.



Cell labels on the General tab in Edit Cell Properties do not support dependencies.

  • Example: If C1 has CELLLABEL(C2) function and C2 cell label refers to C3, then any changes in C3 will not automatically recalculate in C1.
  • Solution: If you are working with cells that depend on other cells to recalculate, consider using custom properties instead.

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