You are here: Help Topics > Accounting and Assurance > Working Trial Balance > Creating a Statement of Cash Flow Account
-- How Do I? --

Creating a Statement of Cash Flow Account

  1. On the Account tab, in the Balances group, click Trial Balance.

  2. In the Working Trial Balance, select the Report tab, and click New.

  3. Click Properties to open the Account Line Properties Report Setup dialog .

  4. Type the account name in the Name box.

  5. In the Type box, select Statement of cash flow.

  6. Type an account number.

  7. Type a normal sign for the account.

  8. Click the Cash Flow tab and select the type of balance you want to use in the Calculate balance using: box. If you want to enter the cash flow balance manually, select N/A in the Update cash flow accounts box.

  9. Click Close.

  10. Repeat steps 1 through 8 to complete the Statement of Cash Flow section.

  • Account numbers for the Statement of Cash Flow cannot be longer than three digits since the CS and DS columns on the Working Trial Balance Report Tab can contain three digits only. The account numbers also CANNOT have the same account number as any previously used for the Balance Sheet or Income Statement.

  • It is recommended that Statement of Cash Flow accounts have an "S" as their first character followed by two numbers.