You are here: All Help Topics > Advanced Features > Browses > To copy browses between files

Copying Browses Between Files

  1. In the CaseView file with the browse(s) to be copied, access the Configure Browses dialog either on the Tools tab, click Browses or click the Edit Browses button in the Popup tab of a cell.
  2. Click Save to file. Select a location to save the file. The file is saved as a .bdf format. All the browses in the dialog will be saved to this file.
  3. Open the CaseView file you want to copy the browses into.
  4. On the Tools tab, click Browses or click the Edit Browses button in the Popup tab of a cell.
  5. Click Merge from file and locate the file that you saved the browse into. Select the file and click OK. CaseView copies all the browses from the file into the existing CaseView document.

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