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About Features That May Appear Differently after Export

CaseView's export to RTF feature permits CaseView documents to be viewed in word processing packages other than CaseView while preserving the original formatting attributes of the document. This is useful in the preparation of published financial statements.

If a CaseView document is to be exported in a Rich Text Format (RTF), the following are some features that should be considered before performing the export. These are features that are either unique to CaseView or whose functionality in other word processors is different and will therefore be ignored during the export process.

Page Shading

Page shading is usually ignored in other word processing packages.

Page Borders

Page borders are usually ignored in other word processing packages.

Column Shading or Boxes


Dual Column Layout

The two-column printing feature in CaseView is designed specifically for the presentation of financial statements in two columns. Other word processing packages use a different method to achieve newspaper columns. It is recommended two-column printing be removed before attempting an export to RTF. 


Graphs are exported as the pictures representing the data at the time of the export.

If amounts are changed in the rtf file the changes will not be reflected in the graph.

Page Numbering

The functionality of page numbering in other word processors may be different. For example, Roman Numerals in CaseView often appear as Arabic characters in the exported document. In addition, if the CaseView document is one page in length and contains a starting page number of 2, this will often be converted to page 1 in the exported document.


To change the header or footer attached to a page anywhere other than on a hard page break, the "RTF Pagebreaks" export must be used. 

Line Styles

Line styles appear successfully in the exported document. However, when using a combination of paragraph borders and line styles with the same point thickness, the line thickness may not be consistent between the line style and the paragraph border.

Cells - Alignment

When using a customized alignment for cells in the CaseView document, this may be ignored when exporting to word processing packages that have a different functionality for alignment of text and numbers.

Cells - Borders and Shading

Borders and shading applied to cells are ignored in the exported document.

Cells - Height

If using a fixed cell height for cells in the CaseView document, the default paragraph height in most word processors does not automatically change. Therefore, numbers in text and cells using a fixed height may appear cut off.

Cells - Underlines

The second line in a double underline often appears shorter and generally the overall length of the underline is longer.

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