Section Comparison Results command - Compare dialog

The dialog displays summary information about the comparison of labeled sections.

When in a CaseView document, comparisons can be made to previous milestones, knowledge library links and to other files. When comparing the current document to a previous milestone, any existing sections that are identically labeled will be flagged in this screen.

A listing of labeled sections common to both documents and the status of each comparison is displayed

Click Compare to compare the sections in depth. The Comparison dialog will appear.

If you selected "Compare KLLinks to their Source" click this button to launch the Visual Compare dialog.

With this interface, you see the changes that have been made to the content highlighted in color so you can do an in-depth comparison on each listed section and, if desired, to retain any content you do not want discarded by copying and pasting from the previous content back into the document. 

If selected, all sections are listed. If left unselected, only the sections determined to have differences are listed.

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