Numeric Options Tab - XBRL Global Settings Dialog

The XBRL Numeric Options tab allows you to specify the type of numeric data that is being used in the CaseView document. Once the numeric options are completed, you can apply them when you tag the document. You can use the search bar to filter numeric unit names.

To access this tab, select Tools | XBRL | Global Settings, select the XBRL Version 2.1 option, and click the XBRL Numeric Options tab. This tab is only available when using the XBRL version 2.1.

You can manage numeric contexts in the following ways:

  • If numeric contexts are not created, create them by clicking images\newcontext_shg.gif
  • To edit an existing numeric context, select it from the list and make changes.
  • To copy an existing numeric context and then edit it, click images\copycontext_shg.gif.
  • To delete a context, select it and click images\delcontext_shg.gif. When the Delete Context dialog opens, you have the option to delete all tags that use the context or to assign a new context for those tags.
  • To sort a numeric context in ascending or descending order, click the column header. To order the data manually, click the up/down arrows.

Whether you want to create, edit, or copy numeric contexts, use the following information as a guide on completing the fields.



Type the name of this numeric context.



The value of tags using the Numeric Unit will be rounded according to this selection. Choose Document's Rounding to have tags adopt the global document rounding settings. The remaining selections will multiply the values of the tags accordingly, ten, one hundred, etc.

Decimal Precision

Specify the level of precision for the numerical value.

Infinite Precision - assumes the value is accurate as it stands (no rounding)

Automatic - will use the rounding settings and the digits setting of a numeric cell to determine the level of precision. For example, if there is no rounding and the cell shows 2 decimal places, the value will be 2. If rounding is enabled and set to thousands and the cell shows 0 decimal places, the value will be -3.

Please note:When Automatic is used to tag a paragraph, the decimal places are not considered. The results may be different than selecting Automatic for a single numeric cell.

-8 to 8 Decimal Places - A positive decimal precision value means you can trust the value to that many decimal places to the right of the point. A negative decimal precision value means you can not trust the value up to that many decimal places to the left of the point.

Flip the sign of numeric value during export

Select this check box to flip the sign on all values that are tagged with the selected unit of measure on export of the CaseView document.


Choose whether the numeric context uses currency or another format.

Monetary Value

Select this option if the data being tagged with this numeric context uses currency.

From the Currency drop-down list, select the specific currency to use.


If other formats are used to define the unit of measure, type the set of names in Namespace and its Uniform Resource Identifier in Identifier. For example, the Namespace and Identifier information can be a unique identifier assigned by a government agency or other organization.

Advanced: Division

Specify the value as a numerator or denominator in a division equation. For example, Earnings per Share would be the result of a Total Earnings value (numerator) divided by a Number of Shares value (denominator).

Show Obsolete Currency

Change the contents of the Currency combination box. The currencies will be repopulated with all available currencies, including obsolete currencies. It will also contain a 4th column indicating which currencies are obsolete. Deselecting this box will remove all of the obsolete currencies, including the new column. This preference will be saved.    

Advanced: Multiple Measures

XBRL offers the ability to specify multiple measures. Select this option to be able to specify more than one unit of measure and use the Add, Edit, or Delete buttons to manipulate the measures list.

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