-- CaseView for Time --


Calculates the current receivables balance for the client according to document date selection.

Timeinfo ("Client_ARAgingCurrent")

The macro "Client_ARAgingCurrent" returns to the cell the current AR balance of the current client.


Timeinfo ("Client_ARAgingCurrent",<client number>)

The macro "Client_ARAgingCurrent" returns to the cell the current AR balance of the client number <client number> passed.

If the current receivables amount for ABC Limited is $12,490 and Timeinfo ("Client_ARAgingCurrent") is entered in a cell on ABC's Limited's statement, then the string 12,490 will appear in that cell.

If the Test Corporation's current receivables balance is $5,050, then entering Timeinfo ("Client_ARAgingCurrent","TEST01") in a cell places the string 5,050 in that cell.

Replaces macro used in previous version: CURRENTAR

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