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Specifying visibility in Do-It-Yourself tables

You can specify whether a Do-It-Yourself table is to be made visible in the financial statements. You can also specify whether a specific column or row in the table is visible.

Specifying visibility for a Do-It-Yourself table

Unlike most tables in Financials, Do-It-Yourself tables do not automatically respond to changes in settings made by end users such as, for example, displaying three years of data versus two years of data. Template authors must add these controls into the Do-It-Yourself tables when constructing the content. You can specify the conditions that control whether tables in a Do-It-Yourself table display and print.

  1. Open the Firm Library document for the financial statement area that contains the Do-It-Yourself content.
  2. Follow the instructions in the section Editing a Do-It-Yourself table to mark the table as editable.
  3. Click on a cell in the table.
  4. From the right-click menu, select Modify table and Set Table Skip/Hide Condition. The Set Table Skip/Hide Conditions dialog appears.
  5. Select the Always show radio button if the table is to be always visible. If the table is to be skipped or hidden under specific conditions, select the Choose when to skip/hide table radio button.
  6. Select the Skip when the following cell check box if you want to skip the table when a certain calculated condition is matched. In the calculation boxes provided, type cell numbers or values. From the drop-down, select one of the following operators:

    Operator Description
    = True if the values in the two calculation boxes are equal.
    > True if the value in the first calculation box is greater than the value in the second.
    < True if the value in the first calculation box is greater than the value in the second.
    <> True if the values in the two calculation boxes are not equal.
  7. Select the Hide when the following cell check box if you want to hide the table when a certain calculated condition is matched. In the calculation boxes provided, type cell numbers or values, From the drop-down, select one of the operators described above.
  8. Select the Hide when the active reporting period is check box to hide the table in specified reporting periods. In the first drop-down, select:

    Operator Description
    = Hide the table if the active reporting period is the same as the period specified in the column.
    < Hide the table if the active reporting period is prior to the period specified in the column.
    > Hide the table if the active reporting period is after the period specified in the column.

    From the other drop-downs, select the time unit and period number.

  9. Select the Hide when reporting on check box to hide the table if the reporting period is more recent than a specified number of years. Use the drop-down provided to specify the reporting period.

Click to Play

Click to Play

The table is made visible when the visibility criteria specified above are matched.

Specifying visibility for a Do-It-Yourself table column

When editing a column in a Do-It-Yourself table using the Column Calculation dialog, you can specify the visibility for the column.

  1. From the Column Visibility section of the Column Calculation dialog, select one of the following:

    • Always show - Always show the column.
    • Skip condition - In the field provided, specify a calculation to use to determine whether the column is to be skipped.
    • Hide condition - In the field provided, specify a calculation to use to determine whether the column is to be hidden and skipped.
    • Hide when the active reporting period is - Use the drop-downs provided to specify the period (see below for details).
    • Hide when reporting on - Use the drop-down period to specify when to hide (see below for details).
  2. If you have selected the Hide when the active reporting period is radio button, in the first drop-down, select:

    • < to hide the column if the active reporting period is prior to the period specified in the column.
    • = to hide the column if the active reporting period is the same as the period specified in the column.
    • > to hide the column if the active reporting period is after the period specified in the column.

    From the other drop-downs, select the period date sequence and period number.

  3. If you have selected the Hide when reporting on radio button, use the drop-down provided to specify that the column is to be hidden if the reporting period is less than the number of years specified.

Click to Play

Click to Play

The table column is made visible or hidden as specified in the above options.