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Edit Procedure Conditions

You can set a condition on a procedure to delete or insert procedures based on a response or calculation.

Procedure conditions are best used in cases where:

  • Impact of a response is limited to one, or a few, individual procedures,
  • Condition is dependent on more than a “yes” or “no” type of response and,
  • Relevant factors in procedure conditions (responses, calculations) are not known or completable at the beginning of the engagement.

To edit a procedure condition:

  1. In a checklist or work program, right-click on a procedure and select Edit Procedure Condition to open the corresponding dialog.
  2. Fill in the procedure conditions.

Field/Option Instructions

Select Custom to create the procedure condition.

Select to delete or insert the procedure based on any or all conditions are met.

Condition List Click on Response Condition or Calculation Condition to add conditions to the list or edit existing conditions.
Response Condition

Select the checklist/work program document, the procedure, and the response to the procedure that will cause the behavior to occur from the provided drop-down menus.

Click to delete the condition.

Calculation Condition

Enter a valid CaseView calculation and whether the calculation needs to be less than, equal to, or greater than a specified value for the behavior to occur. For more information on CaseView calculations, please refer to the CaseView Help.

Click to delete the condition.

  1. Click OK to add the conditions. A procedure condition icon () displays beside the procedure to indicate there is a condition.

You have added a procedure condition. To update the tooltip on the procedure condition icon, ensure to click the update tooltip icon () on the Audit toolbar.


  • When editing conditions for a common procedure, you can choose to apply the conditions globally across all instances of the common procedure, or at the document level. Common procedures with document level conditions display the same procedure condition icon, but with a red dot to indicate it is unique ().
  • Common procedures with document level (unique) conditions can be reverted back to the global condition by selecting the common procedure and clicking Revert.

This online help system applies to all CaseWare Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.