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Firm Customizations

When working in the template, the software can be used by two user types. The first type is the Author or Firm Author, who customizes the content in the master template and repackages the template for use by the firm's engagement teams.

The second type is the User or Engagement Team that works on client files that are either based on the master template or incorporate documents from the master template brought in through a document library.

This area is targeted to the content expert in a firm who acts as the firm author. As such, your role is to come to a consensus on firm standards and then customize the content and layout in for the user / engagement team. By doing so, you streamline the decision-making process and ensure that auditing standards are available to the user.

With a customized template, you can keep content current, modify content to meet your firm’s requirements, determine how much flexibility to give users to modify the firm’s standards and make it easier for the user to complete the engagement.

Always consider the standard procedures provided in light of the specific needs of each engagement. It is the firm’s responsibility to ensure that there are no new pronouncements or changes in existing literature, that need to be addressed.

As the firm author, you can:

  • Define the default settings that are applied globally to all client engagements in Firm information and in General options.

  • Customize existing content or add new content to work programs and checklists.

  • Add or remove new work programs and checklists (i.e. for industry specific content).

  • Customize the Document Manager to meet the needs of your organization including adding any additional documents deemed necessary.

  • Repackage and distribute the customized firm template to your engagement teams.

The master file of the template is the original template provided by Caseware. This is the template that you customize with your firm’s settings. The customized template then serves as the base template that the engagement team will use. Ensure that you are working in the firm’s master file when you are making customizations for the firm.

Multiple Users Modifying Firm Setup

Multiple persons can make firm customizations to the master template. Please contact Caseware support to help with the setup and best practices for working in a collaborative environment.


  • In situations where a reinstallation is necessary, ensure that any customized files that you wish to retain are backed up prior to reinstalling. Reinstalling replaces all items in the current installed template including any customizations made to the libraries.

This online help system applies to all Caseware Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.