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PEG - Content Updates (Review)

The PEG Review and Compilation template has been updated to include the latest features from Audit 24.00.

The updated PEG Review and Compilation template is compliant with CPA Canada's 2022 PEG content updates which includes the compilation standard CSRS 4200. The content for CSRS 4200 has been included in the previous release of PEG Review and Compilation, and is effective for periods ending on or after December 14, 2021.

Form updates

The following describes the content updates to PEG forms, with an explanation of why changes were made.

Forms with moderate revisions

Form Numbers Description
1 (Overview) Replaced document based on updated CPA Canada content.

This online help system applies to all Caseware Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.