You are here: Help Topics > Connector Linkages > Modifying Links > Unlinking Connector Formulas
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Unlinking Connector Formulas

View Related Video: Unlink Document

The Unlink option enables you to embed the current value of links within the document, effectively replacing the linkage formula with its value instead. When unlinking a document, the current values remain in place and the document becomes an ordinary Word or Excel document. If changes are made to the Working Papers client file, they will not be reflected in an unlinked document.

This function is useful for third-party distribution as it allows for viewing a Connector document on a workstation that does not have Connector installed.

Note: In Excel, this operation applies to all worksheets in the workbook.

In certain cases this operation is not possible or can result in an unlink that is permanent (you will not be able to re-link). If applicable, ensure to create a backup copy of your document prior to unlinking.

  • Unlinking DDE links in Word is permanent. You cannot re-link.
  • If the workbook structure is protected (meaning new sheets cannot be added), an unlink is permanent.
  • If the worksheet is protected, locked cells cannot be unlinked, even when the workbook structure is protected.
  1. From the Connector toolbar, click Tools | Unlink.

    A prompt appears for confirmation.

  2. Click Yes to continue.

Once the process is complete, the most recent values returned by the links will remain in the document, but the links themselves are severed.

Ensure to save your document after verifying the changes.

To correctly relink the document to the client file at a later date, ensure that:

  • Worksheets are not renamed. Connector uses the worksheet name as a basis for restoring the links.
  • Excel documents maintain their original structure at the time of unlinking. If rows and columns are deleted prior to relinking, Connector will be unable to restore the formulas unless Connector, Working Papers, and the client file are accessible.

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