You are here: Help Topics > Integration with CaseWare Cloud > Troubleshooting > Restoring a Cloud Integrated Time file

Restoring a Cloud Integrated Time File

If you need to restore your Time file, the Time file is the master file.

The backup function is performed under Tools | Maintenance | Backup/Restore and should be done on a regular basis. The backup creates a *.tbk file which is used in the restore function.

  1. Compares the data in the Cloud database to the backup Time database file.
  2. Deletes all data not found in the Time database file that is in the Cloud database, except for certain entities.
  3. Makes changes to the Cloud if there are differences in the Time database and the Cloud database.
  4. Merges data from the restored Time database not found in the Cloud database.
  5. Merges entities from the Cloud database to the Time database that are not on the restored Time database.
  6. At the end of the restore, a list of entities that cannot be deleted on the Cloud database is shown along with any merge conflicts.
  • Only a person with a Cloud Admin role can restore a backup Time database file.
  • Restoring a backup Time database file created before Cloud integration was implemented will disable integration.