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Project Management

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  • Project Management in Time can help reduce and simplify the administrative tasks of preparing, processing and assigning client-related work across your firm.

  • Each type of project is categorized by project template in Time. A type of project can correlate with a service provided by your firm. You can predefine budgets, deadlines, issues and assignments in your project templates.

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  • Projects in Time offer an extensive list of attributes to help define and manage your projects. Each project is manageable through project templates where you can pre-define properties, issues, and assignments for any type of project. For each project template you can define subprojects to further organize the areas in your project.

  • Use the project dialog to customize your client projects. You can modify or override project template details to such project properties as staff assignments and issues. Specify budget details for client project as well.

  • A subproject is an extension of Projects in Time. Use the Subproj Management dialog to further refine and categorize projects. Subproject templates are subsets of project templates. When you create a client subproject, the client subproject inherits subproject details from the subproject template.

  • You can customize subprojects for specific clients using the subproject dialog.