Active Directory Integration dialog

Administrators can now synchronize the Staff list used in Time with their current list of network users. Authentication can be done automatically upon opening a Time file, based on the currently-logged-in Windows user.

Activating the Active Directory Staff Authentication and importing from the Active Directory is done from the File | Company Profile | Staff tab. For steps on how to synchronize Time to the Windows Active Directory, click here.

Check to require a user to enter an offline password when he cannot be authenticated by Windows.

The following table describes selected columns in the dialog.


Review the list of Active Directory users and match the Timekeepers in the Time program to it. Select the Active Directory user in the browse, click the Timekeeper column to bring up the Timekeeper list from the staff list in Time. Select the staff member. This will check the Synchronized box.


Select the Synchronize check box beside the Windows staff members who have existing staff records in Time. This allows Time to update the information for its staff members, that is, synchronize the information, with the information stored in the Active Directory.

Force Password Change 

Check the box to require users to change the default password to a new one the first time they log into Time.

Is Password Set?  

This indicates whether a user has a password or not. Use this column to group and sort by users with or without passwords.

OU Path

The path to the organizational unit.


The Active Directory organizational unit containing the staff members and computers managed by the logged in administrator.

Common Name

The common name (CN) of the staff member with an account in the Active Directory organizational unit.

Physical Delivery Office Name

The office location in the staff member's place of business

Account Name

The name of the staff member's account stored in the Windows Active Directory.


Domain name