Documents: By Staff

Sets access rights for items on the Document menu. Options to which access is denied have the check boxes deselected (images\clear_shg.gif). Select those options you want users to be able to access (images\checkmar_shg.gif).

Documents that are based on staff information can be restricted to show information relevant only to the staff currently logged in or to the group of which he is a member.

When the option to "View own" is selected, documents are filtered to show information on staff-related documents that pertains to the user logged in.

When the box is checked, and a partner or manager of the staff group is logged in, filtered to show information on staff-related documents that pertains to the staff to whom he is a partner/manager.

See also Grouping Staff.

Partners and Managers can have both check boxes selected. For user groups that are not partners or managers, only one may be selected at a time.

When the both boxes are left deselected, then a staff member may view all staff-related information. In addition, a user may use the filter by feature in the document properties and filter documents by any staff, not just himself.