You are here: Help Topics > Appendix C: Common questions and answers > The Client List > Modifying Client Information

Modifying Client Information

Is there a quick way to change client numbers or, for that matter, other information in the Client List?

Yes there is. The Client Monitor reports on the Document Manager are very useful for modifying client numbers and names.

  1. While on the Document Manager, scroll down to find the Clients folder.
  2. Open the folder and the Client Monitor subfolder to find the report that best displays the information you want.
  3. Double-click the document.
    Client information displays in a columnar format.
  4. In the Client No. column, change the applicable client numbers.
    WIP and accounts receivable transactions are automatically updated to reflect the new client number.
  • Similarly, if you are making a staff member inactive, you can remove his or her initials from the "Partner", "Manager" fields quickly using this report. Just change the initials to those of an active staff member.