You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Staff list > Setting up Office and Department Types

Setting up Office and Department Types

If you have activated offices and or departments in your file, you need to set up the types of offices and departments that your company has. The types, codes and descriptions are set up in one location and then they are available to select in all staff profiles.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Office Types.
  2. Enter an alphanumeric code, up to four characters, to define the office type.
  3. Enter a brief description to identify the office.
  1. From the Setup menu, select Department Types.
  2. In the office field select a valid office from the popup list.
  3. In the Type field enter an alphanumeric code, up to four characters, to define the department.
  4. Enter a brief description to identify the department.

Office and department types cannot be deleted unless they are not assigned to any entries or billings. Before one can be deleted, its assignments in the Assign Areas browse must be deleted.
