You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Staff list > To set up and activate Time Sheet Approval

To set up and activate Time and Expense Entries Approval

Time and expense entry approval can be used only in files with Protection activated under the Tools menu and Time and expense entries approval activated in the Company Profile.

  1. Turn on Protection. (Tools | Protection | Turn Protection on)
  2. Open the Company Profile. (File | Company Profile)
  3. Click the Firm tab.
  4. In the Time and Expense dialogs section, check "Using Time and expense entries approval".
  5. Allow Time to approve all existing Time and Expense Entries.

    Note: that if you select No then the option is switched "OFF" and no time is approved. You can turn this on later.

  6. Select the groups who will be given the rights to approve entries.

    1. Click Tools | Protection | Protection Setup and then under Available groups, select a group and click the Properties button.
    2. When the dialog opens, click the Rights tab.
    3. In the left window, click Process and then in the right check Time: Approver and/or Expense: Approver.