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Time Operations Supported on Cloud

When Time is integrated with CaseWare Cloud, data from several areas of the program are synchronized between both systems. When performing operations such as Create, Edit, or Delete, only some areas of the program can be performed from both programs; other operations can only be performed from Time.

The following table lists the operations that you can perform from Cloud. For data merges to occur from Cloud to Time, the Time file must be open and Online (connection is established with Cloud).

Area Operation Supported on Cloud? How Do I?
Clients Create Yes Use the Entities app to add or modify an entity of type Client
Edit Yes
Delete No Can only be done within Time
Staff Create Yes Use the People app to add or modify a person of type Staff
Edit Yes
Delete No Can only be done within Time
Staff Rates Create No Can only be done within Time
Edit No Can only be done within Time
Delete No Can only be done within Time
Contacts Create Yes Use the People app to add, modify, or delete a person of type Contact
Edit Yes
Delete Yes
Contact Companies Create Yes Use the Entities app to add, modify, or delete an entity of type Other
Edit Yes
Delete Yes
Work Codes Create No Can only be done within Time
Edit No Can only be done within Time
Delete No Can only be done within Time
Company Profile Edit Yes Modify the firm details from Firm Settings | Firm | Profile
Time / Expense Add Yes Use the Time app to add a time or expense entry
Edit Yes Can only edit un-submitted time / expense entries
Delete Yes Can only delete un-submitted time / expense entries