You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Company Profile and Company Codes > Work Code properties
-- Reference --

Work Code properties

Work codes are used for time and expense entries.

Tip: Use CTRL+I to insert a new line and add a new code to the list.

Property Cloud Integrated Description
Code Type Yes Represents Time or Expense. Enter T for time or X for Expense. If nothing is selected Time defaults the choice to T.
Bill Type Yes

Represents the type of time or expense code. Enter C for chargeable or N for non-chargeable. Is set by default to C.

No. Yes

Enter up to a ten-digit numeric, alpha or, alphanumeric work code number. The number cannot include the characters *, ?, and ".

If you attempt to change this number while there is detail entered using this work code, a message informs you that the code has been used and asks if you would like to change all references to this work code in the database. Click this heading to view the list of work codes in work code number order.

Class No Type or select the applicable time and expense code classification previously set up on the Classification tab. Click the look-up button to display a list of work code classifications from which to choose.
Brief Description Yes

Enter a brief description for the work or expense code.

Click CTRL+F9 or to enter an extended description.

If an extended description is entered, this description will be used on the invoice. displays for work code classifications that have extended descriptions.

New! Status Yes

Enter 0 for Active or 1 for Inactive. Inactive work codes cannot be edited. For more information, see Work Code Status.

Note: When adding a new work code, the Status can only be set to Active.

New! Inactive Date No

Displays the date and time when the work code status was set to Inactive. This is a read-only field, and it is populated automatically by Time when you change the Status field.

Credit GL Account No Type or select an account number for the credit side of the entry to use when exporting. Click the look-up button to view the chart of accounts from which to choose.
Debit GL Account No Type or select an account number for the debit side of the entry to use when exporting. Click the look-up button to view the chart of accounts from which to choose.
Expense Rate Yes

Enter an optional expense rate. This is applicable only for EXPENSE work codes.

If you are changing rates Time will ask you if you want to recalculate all unbilled transactions. If the rate is retroactive to the beginning of the period, answer yes. To recalculate the rates manually you can also run Tools | Maintenance| Recalculate Staff Rates. Approved time does not change.

Expense Rate Surcharge Yes

If applicable, enter an expense rate surcharge. This is applicable only for EXPENSE work codes. The Surcharge is calculated in the Expense entry dialog and in the Project and Subproject dialogs for a client.

Note: If you are changing rates and the rate is retroactive to the beginning of the period, then ensure you recalculate all unbilled transactions. Run Tools | Maintenance| Recalculate Staff Rates.

Primary tax %


If this work code should be charged at a federal sales or service tax rate other than that set as the default or for the client, enter the federal rate as a percentage.

 Note: Tax rates support up to three decimal places. The tax amount is calculated using all significant decimal places and the total amount is rounded to two decimal places.

Secondary tax %


If this work code should be charged at a regional (state, provincial, county) sales or service tax rate other than that set as the default or for the client, enter the regional rate as a percentage.

 Note: Tax rates support up to three decimal places. The tax amount is calculated using all significant decimal places and the total amount is rounded to two decimal places.