You are here: Help Topics > The Document Manager > Organizing the Document Manager > Copying items

Copying items on the Document Manager

As the designer of a template, it may be necessary to create two or three documents of the same Document Type each with a different Format. The easiest way to accomplish this is to copy one document two or three times. The copy feature automatically assigns a new number to each newly created document while retaining the properties of the original document. Once the copy is complete, select the desired Format for each document.

To copy Do This
A folder or document Press and hold CTRL and drag the folder or document icon to the new location.
A range of Document Manager items
  1. Select the documents or folders you want to copy.
  2. Press and hold CTRL and drag the folder or document icons to the new location.


  • To copy a document or folder to a particular point, drag the document icon to the space between the two items on the Document Manager. For example, to copy a document and insert it between two other documents on the Document Manager, drag the document to the white space between the two documents.

  • Whenever you drag a folder, you drag its contents as well. If you drag a folder to a folder icon, the folder (and all its contents) is inserted into the target folder.

  • If you drag a document to a folder icon, the document is inserted in that folder.


  • You can drag documents from your Windows desktop and drop them to the Time Document Manager. Similarly, documents can be dragged from the Document Manager and dropped to the desktop. These documents can then be launched from the desktop when required.
    You must be using Windows 98, NT, or ME to drag documents between the desktop and the Document Manager.