You are here: Help Topics > Connector Linkages > Building a Link > Using the Insert Function Dialog [Excel Only]
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Using the Insert Function Dialog [Excel Only]

You can manually create links in Excel using Excel's Insert Function dialog. This procedure is for advanced users that are very familiar with Working Papers' databases and the applicable linkage functions. Creating links from this dialog result in UDF-based linkages regardless of the Connector settings.

  • Ensure Connector can establish a connection to the source client file.
  • Ensure your document uses only UDF links.
  1. Click the Function button () to access the Insert Function dialog.
  2. Select CaseWare.Connector from the category drop down menu.
  3. Double click the applicable function or select the function and click OK.
  4. Specify the applicable function arguments:

    • Use the text boxes per argument, or
    • Click to manually define a string of comma delimited arguments
  5. Note: Do not include parentheses and ensure to enclose each argument in double quotation marks.

  6. Ensure your syntax is correct. Otherwise the argument is flagged as "Invalid".
  7. Verify the Formula result is correct.
  8. Click OK.

The resulting value appears in the designated cell and the Connector formula appears in the calculation bar. You can manually edit the formula from the calculation bar - click on the Excel toolbar to apply any changes.

Ensure to save your document after verifying the changes.

  • Excel's function search does not currently recognize Connector functions. This is a limitation of Excel.
  • More information about specific Function Arguments is available.