You are here: Help Topics > Connector Linkages > Modifying Links > Recalculating Links
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Recalculating Links

Connector links periodically need to be recalculated to refresh the set of values in Word and Excel. This operation retrieves the latest values from the source Working Papers client file. When opening documents, you may be prompted to recalculate links.

  1. A recalculation should be performed:

    • Word: After any changes made to the Working Papers client file.
    • Excel: After editing links.
  2. Click Tools | Recalculate

All values in the document are updated to reflect the latest values from the Working Papers client file.

Ensure to save your document after verifying the changes.

Note: The default CaseWare recalculation method calculates only CaseWare links and avoids updating any other links, which may result in slower calculations.
If you are using only CaseWare links, or do not mind updating other links, using the Excel method for recalculating will increase calculation speed.
You can change the recalculation method in the Options Dialog, or use Cntrl+Alt+F9 for the Excel method of recalculation.

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