You are here: Fundamentals > Initial Setup > Formatting
-- How Do I? --


The objective with GASB Financials is for you to adopt the formatting that is predefined in the template so that you can focus on ensuring the data that is presented to your stakeholders is accurate and reducing the risk of errors. It is also intended to streamline the entire process making you more efficient when producing the annual financial statements. We do however, permit some formatting options.


Line item descriptions can be indented where necessary.

  1. Place your cursor on the line item that should be indented.
  2. From the Format tab, select the Increase level button.
  3. To reset back to the original indent level, select Decrease level.

Resizing Tables

Occasionally you have a statement that spans across two pages because of one or two extra rows of data. You can resize the table so that all the content fits on the same page. The resize, reduces the font size by 10% of the original font size for each selection. The options include:

  • Default
  • Small
  • Smaller


  1. Place your cursor in the table that needs resizing.
  2. From the Format tab, select the Table resize button.
  3. Select the desired size.

Aligning rows/columns

Content in rows and columns are bottom aligned by default. You can change these using the align buttons found in the Operations grouping in the Format tab. Choices include: top, center and bottom.

Font styles

Fonts in the GASB Financials template are set to either Times New Roman or Arial. The default setting is Times New Roman. The , in the Format tab, enables you to quickly toggle between the two styles.


In all tables, you can specify underlining for any row.

  1. In the financial statements, click the row that is to be underlined.
  2. Select (Row). The Underline dialog appears.

  3. Click Select All to add an underline for all columns, or click on the columns for which an underline is to be added. Unselected columns will have no underlines.

  4. From the Underline Type drop-down, select the type of underline to use.
  5. From the Line Color drop-down, select the color for the underline.
  6. From the Thickness list, select the thickness of the underline.

  7. Select the Underline Skips check box if you want the underline to appear even if the row is skipped. This is useful if the skipped row is the row immediately preceding a subtotal or total.

  8. Click OK.

The row is now underlined.

Display Options

Display options determine how numeric values are presented in the statements. For example, you can define how zero balance dash is presented as well as how negative/positive values display.


Occasionally something may not look right in the statements, for example, underlines. The Refresh grouping in the Format tab provides the ability to the following if they don’t appear correct:

  • Note indents
  • Note headings
  • Table headings
  • Table underlines

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  1. Your Client Number.
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