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Working with Schedules

Schedules are used in both the GASB Annual Report and the CAFR in the required supplementary section and the statistical section (CAFR only) of the statements. The behaviour of schedules is slightly different from the rest of the financial statements. The most notable differences include:

  • Multiple entries vs. single entry
  • Placement in the statements

Multiple entries vs. single entry - Unlike a statement or note, schedules can be added into the statements multiple times if necessary. For example, you may need to insert an operating schedule for multiple funds (if applicable). The same schedule can be added into the statements and the fund information changed on each one. Alternatively, the principle taxpayers schedule is only needed once so it is designed to be available as a single entry schedule.

Functionally a schedule designated as a multiple entry vs. a single entry operates the same way except for one notable exception, updates. Content updates provided by CaseWare International will automatically update single entry schedules in your files, while multiple entry schedules need to be deleted and re-added.

Placement in the statements - By default all schedules added into the financial statements are added to a “schedule” section. While in this section they will appear as a single line entry “Schedules” on the table of contents. In the GASB Financials template, the schedules have been moved out of the “Schedules” section so that they appear on the table of contents as unique line items.

Inserting a New Schedule

GASB Financials is defaulted with the most common required supplementary and statistical schedules. New schedules can be added from the content library if needed.

  1. From the Insert tab, select the Statements button and choose Schedules and Statements.
  2. From the list of schedules, select the desired schedule(s) and click OK.

Note: Schedules selected from the Format grouping are single entry schedules and can only be added once, while the Generic grouping contain schedules that can be added in multiple times.

Deleting a Schedule

If a schedule included in the financial statements is no longer needed, you can delete it.

  1. Open the Financial statements document, click in the schedule that you want to configure, and select the Schedules tab.
  2. Click (Delete).

The schedule is deleted.

Setting the Schedule as a Unique Entry on the Table of Contents

The schedule you just added is inserted into a “schedules” section and will appear under the schedules heading on the table of contents. To make your newly added schedule appear as a unique entry on the table of contents it needs to be moved out of the schedules section.

  1. In the financial statements.
  2. Click in the schedule that you want to configure and select the Schedules ribbon.
  3. Click Move out of schedules to move the schedule. The schedule is moved to the end of the financial statements.
  4. On the Home tab, click the Areas button. In the Sort grouping, select the schedule from the bottom of the list and click drag/drop to the desired location.

Note: If you would like to move the schedule back into the schedules section then:

  1. Click in the schedule that you want to move back into the schedules financial statement area.
  2. Form the Schedules and Statements tab, click Move into schedules to move the schedule back into the schedules area.



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