You are here: Fundamentals > Initial Setup > Working with the Table of Contents
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Customizing the Table of Contents

The table of contents is fully automated and is built based on the Areas Required option in the Entity Information tab. The statement names that appear in the table of contents are automatically defined by the statement headers (see Modifying Statement Defaults to change these names). You can manually change these names in the table of contents, but they will be out of sync with area in the financial statements. The sort order of the financial statement areas is managed within the table of contents.

Other options available in the table of contents include:

  • Single page or multiple page entries
  • Single column or two column presentation
  • Displaying note details in the table of contents

In the Table of Contents for the financial statements, you can:

  • Specify the client name
  • Set the pages to display in the Table of Contents as either single page entries or multiple page entries
  • Configure the table of contents by assigning financial statement areas to headings/subheadings.
  1. In the Financial statements document, click in the Table of Contents.
  2. Select the Table of Contents tab.

  3. To specify the client name, in the Client name field, select or type in the client name to use.
  4. To use single or multiple page entries, from the Pages drop-down, select either Single page entry or Multiple page entry.
  5. To assign these items, click to open the Table of Contents Configuration dialog.
  6. Drag and drop areas to an available headings/sub-headings in the Table of Contents Configuration dialog.
  7. To add new headings/sub-headings click the Add button. To remove an existing heading click Delete. If you delete an existing heading the statement areas will have to be reassigned by dragging/dropping to the appropriate heading.

The Table of Contents is updated.


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  1. Your Client Number.
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  6. A description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred.
  7. A description of how you tried to solve the problem.

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