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Navigating GASB Special Purpose

There are two important interfaces that you will use while completing your file: 

Document Manager Interface

The Document Manager is a dynamic list of all of the documents that you will use to support the financial statements. These documents can be modified and an unlimited number of new documents can be added and organized within folders. The Document Manager is the first window to appear whenever a new file is created or an existing file is opened.

Documents supported in CaseWare Working Papers include: 

  • CaseView documents
  • Automatic documents
  • Manual documents
  • Document links
  • Document placeholders

Non-proprietary documents supported include: 

  • Microsoft® Word
  • Microsoft® Excel Workbook
  • PDFs

See About the Document Manager for more information.

GASB Special Purpose Financial Statements Interface

The GASB Special Purpose Financial Statements use a ribbon interface to control options and settings within the financial statements. The far left pane, known as the Document Map, is an easy navigation frame. The ribbons include the following tabs:

  • Home - contains commands that are most commonly used in the financial statements.
  • Insert - contains commands to insert predefined or Do-It-Yourself content from the Knowledge Library into the financial statements.
  • Format - contains commands to format the financial statements. Options in the ribbon are context-sensitive and may not be available at all times.
  • Table Tools - contains commands to manage tables within the financial statements
  • Note Tools - contains commands to manage the presentation options for notes.
  • Navigate - contains commands to access frequently used Working Papers functionality, financial statement areas, and external worksheets.
  • Content Management - contains commands to update or add content to the financial statements.
  • Statement Setup - contains commands to set up options specific to each statement area and override various global statement and template settings. The name and contents of the Statement Setup ribbon are context-sensitive, and are based on the financial statement area that you are currently viewing.
  • Global Setup - contains commands to define default financial statement settings. These can be changed in the individual statements. If a change is made at the statement level, it will be reflected in the Global Setup ribbon and vice versa. The expected workflow in a new client file, or first-time implementation of Financials, is to complete the Entity Information ribbon and then move to the Global Setup ribbon.
  • Entity Information -contains commands to define the key default information for the financial statements.

The financial statements are pre-generated with all the possible components that may be required. Areas not required for your reporting needs should be removed. This is managed through the Areas required button on the Entity Information tab in the Report details group.

More information can be found in Selecting the financial statement areas required. Additional content can be added into the financial statements if not present. Refer to Working with Notes for more information.


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