You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Staff list > How to write off outstanding time or expenses

To write off time or expenses before deactivating staff

  1. On the Process menu, click Billings/Invoices and then Billings from WIP.
  2. Enter the first client number for which the staff member has outstanding time or expenses.
  3. Enter an invoice number (e.g. WO-01).
  4. In the Type box, choose Final.
  5. Enter the invoice date.
  6. Choose the appropriate billing format.
  7. Leave Amount as ZERO.
  8. Click the Edit Memo button to enter additional lines of information.Note: You can set the font for memos.
  9. In the Final bill option number box, select Option 1 - user marks the time billed.
  10. In the Bill column, select (images\checkmar_shg.gif) all time or expense transactions that have the staff member's number in the Staff column.
  11. Choose to have the calculated write-up/down prorated among all staff members or charged to one specific staff member.
  12. Repeat steps 2 through 9 for each client for which the staff member has outstanding time or expenses.

    Note: Transactions that are marked with a "B" are excluded from the new file after a year end close.