You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Staff list > Increasing Staff Rates

Increasing Staff Rates

This dialog allows the user to add a percentage increase for the standard staff rates, choose the effective date of the increase, and recalculate the new staff rates based on the effective date.

Select one of the options on the list, and click OK to calculate the standard rate and the individual rates of the staff by the rate given by position. Individual staff members without a position will get the rate increase set in the Staff with no position field.

All Staff rates

Select the All Staff rates option to change the standard rates and the rates for the individual rates per staff.

By Staff position

Select the By Staff position option, and click the Staff button to open the Staff Position Rate Increase dialog. The dialog has four headings: Position, Description, % rate change, and Staff List. Change the standard rate for all staff per position. From the Staff List, drill down to the individual staff with that position.

Staff with no position

Set the rate increase for staff with no position.

Effective Date

Set the effective date of the percentage increase. The date the staff rate increase takes effect cannot be earlier than the current period's start date.

Recalculate budget entries with new staff rates

Select the check box to recalculate the staff rates based on the effective date and the selected percentage increase option.

Related Topics

  • Step by step procedure for increasing staff rates