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Linkage Options

This topic describes the available options from the Linkage dialog. Use these options to filter or refine the result set and format values.

Option Interface Description


This option is only available for consolidated client files and entities with an Entity Abbreviation. Use the drop down menu to filter accounts, mappings, and groupings according to the specified entity. The Default Entity retrieves values from the active entity in Working Papers.

Note: For DDE links, if the current entity is changed in Working Papers while the Linkage dialog is open, then you must close and restart Working Papers and also close and re-open the Linkage dialog to refresh the connection and retrieve the correct result set. For UDF links, simply close and re-open the Linkage dialog; the connection and result set refresh automatically.

Parent Only Balances

This option is only available for consolidated client files and entities with an Entity Abbreviation. Select this option to include only balances for the specified entity. Sub-entity balances are ignored.

Trial Balance This option is only available for consolidated client files. Select this option to show all of the accounts in the currently selected entity and all sub-entities.


This option filters the results according to the specified reporting period.

  • Opening - Links to the opening balances for accounts, map numbers, or groups for the year (not a specific period).
  • Default Period - Links to the current reporting period as defined in Working Papers.
  • Reporting periods as defined in the client file under Engagement | Engagement Properties | Reporting Dates.

Fiscal Year

This option filters the result set according to the specified year (current or prior years).


This option enables you to control the format of:

Balance Type

This option refines the value of balances according the specified balance type.

For a full list of balance types, see here.

Balance Name

This option filters the results according to the budget, forecast, or custom balance, if applicable.

For a full list of these balance types, see here.

Use Sign

This option changes the sign (+/-) of the displayed values according to the account Sign property in the client file. Accounts with a Credit sign property display as a positive, if the account has a credit balance. Selecting No, ignores the Sign property and uses the raw value.

Note: This option is not applicable for Class Type and L/S (Group 1) Working Papers categories.

Period Only Balances

This option filters the values based on the specified period in the Period drop down. Select this option to include only the period movement or activity of the specified period, instead of the default year to date balance. For example, choose to display only the second quarter transactions for sales.

Foreign Exchange

This option applies foreign exchange to the values.

Include Sub Balances

This option includes the sub-account balances to the values.

Other Basis Adjustment

This option includes other basis adjustments to the values.

Account Rounding

This option specifies when to apply rounding.

  • No Rounding - Balances are not rounded.
  • Round (RND) - Final balances are rounded to the nearest whole number. When rounding a group of accounts, this option sums all of the accounts and then rounds the sum of the group.
  • Round By Account (RNDACT) - Each account is individually rounded to the nearest whole number. When used within a group, each account is rounded and then the grouping is totaled.

Hide Zero Values

This option filters the results pane to exclude records with balances that are zero.