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Import Wizard - Specify Data Properties

You have specified the import file has delimited records. In this wizard screen you can specify additional properties of your delimited file and choose to exclude certain records from the import.

This procedure applies to both ASCII and Excel files.

  1. Use the Field Separator drop-down menu to select the delimiter. This is an ASCII file option only.

    • If the delimiter is not listed, select Custom and manually type the delimiter in the provided space.
  2. Use the Text Qualifier drop-down menu to ignore certain characters. Select Nothing if there is no special character wrapping values.
  3. For Exclude First, specify the number of rows at the top of the file to ignore. These rows can be headers.
  4. For Exclude Last, specify the number of rows at the bottom of the file to ignore. These rows can be footers.
  5. Use the preview pane to ignore certain rows in the import. Click the check boxes beside each row to exclude those records.
  6. Click Next.

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