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Options menu

The Options menu includes the following items:

Item Description

Content Library Path

Define the path where the content library is located.

Display Completion Details

Display completion details at the top of the document.

Display Document Guidance

Display detailed instructions provided by the author for completing the document appearing at the top of the document..

Display Procedure Sign Off

Procedure sign offs can be toggled on or off while working in a document. The area will be displayed when the document is reopened.

Display Procedure Sign Off Below Procedures

Procedure signoff area appears below procedures versus in a separate column.

Display Select Response Button

Procedure signoff area appears below procedures versus in a separate column.

Display Interactive Guidance

Display instructions that indicate the next step to take when working with this document. These instructions appear at the top of the document in a status bar located just below the function buttons. This menu item is enabled only if instructions exist for the current document status.

Print Authoritative Reference

Print authoritative references added by the author.

Print Risk

If the risk report has been inserted at the top of the work program, select this option to include the risk report area in the printed document.

Print Firm Name in Footer

Prints the firm name in the footer, as defined in the firm settings, if the firm author has specified that the firm name is to be displayed. See Firm Information.

Print Firm Logo in Footer

Prints the firm logo in the footer, as defined in the firm settings, if the firm author has specified that the firm logo is to be displayed. See Firm Information.

Print Current Date/Time in Footer

Print the current date and time in the footer of each page of the document. The date and time format are as set in your Windows regional settings.

Print Client Path in Footer

Print the client path in the footer of each page of the document.

Highlight External Cells

Highlight all externally linked cells in the document in red.

Reapply Styles

Change the document fonts to the character set in use on your computer. This makes it possible to type information in both English and one other language that uses non-Western characters.

Risk Report View

Specify the type of mini risk report to be displayed at the top of the work program. Select Risks Identified to list all risks that have been identified in the work program, or select Risks Addressed to list entity level risks and risks addressed in the work program.

This online help system applies to all Caseware Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.