Unlock Design Mode dialog

Unlocks access to the Design Mode. Modification of the CaseView document is now permitted in the Design Mode. To unlock the Design Mode quickly, click the Lock Design tool (Key icon) on the Command bar.

Access to the Form Mode with editing enabled is denied. Modification of the CaseView document in the Form Mode with editing enabled is not permitted because the Lock Form command has been activated. To modify the CaseView document, your password must be entered. To deactivate the Lock Form command quickly, click the Lock Form tool (Key icon) on the Command bar.

Enter your password to permit access to the current Mode.

Select to allow the temporary unlocking of a document, including scripts, knowledge library links, and XBRL tagging. This unlocking lasts only until the document is closed.

While the document is temporary unlocked, attempting to lock it again displays a warning message. Continuing the locking process locks the file with a new password entered. This password becomes the default password for the document.

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