You are here: All Help Topics > Basic Features > Rounding > To set up multiple plug cells

Setting up Multiple Plug Cells

Rounding relations may have multiple plug cells that allow the difference to be plugged into different cells depending upon the plug's value.

When values are present in cells 1 and 2 and the rounding relation is enabled, the relation searches for the first plug cell whose condition is not true based on the value of the difference. If all of the plug cells' conditions are met, then the difference is not inserted anywhere.

  1. Follow the procedure for setting up a rounding relation to step 5.
  2. To the right of the Plug Cell(s) field, click Advanced. The Plug Cell Setup dialog opens.
  3. Click Add .
  4. Click Cell field and select the first plug cell.
  5. Enter a plug condition for the cell chosen.

    The Plug Condition is the condition that makes this cell get skipped as the plug cell. That is, if the condition is evaluated to be true, the difference is not plugged here and another plug cell is searched for. If the condition is evaluated to be false, the value of the difference between cells 1 and 2 goes in this cell.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to add the other plug cells.
  • Be careful with the order in which you add the plug cells. If two or more plug cells are evaluated to be 0 or false, the plug value goes in the first cell the relation finds and then stops looking. This may not be the correct cell to use for the plug.

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