You are here: All Help Topics > Completion and Revision > Sorting > To set up a sort of paragraphs within a section

Setting up a Sort of Paragraphs Within a Section

  1. Select the portion of the document you want to sort by paragraphs.
  2. On the Home tab, click Section, and then click the Sorting tab.

  3. In the Sort Label box, enter a brief description of the section.

  4. In the Primary Key list, select the item you want to sort by. For example, if the primary key is First numeric cell and other keys are None, then only sorting by currency will be available.

  5. Use the Secondary Key and Tertiary Key lists to add alternate sorting parameters in the event of a tie. For example, if sorting the expense section current year values and a tie occurs, you can then sort by prior year value (column 2) or by account description. The Tertiary Key is only applicable if more than one column is selected for sorting.

  6. Click OK.

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