Troubleshooting login errors

An issue can occur when logging into a file in Time 2016. If you receive an error message that you cannot log in, despite providing the correct supervisor credentials, then your SQL Server may not have sufficient memory to process validation of passwords. In the event memory is not available, the validation process cannot complete and you will receive a failed login message in error.

You can resolve this issue after installation by allocating SQL Server with additional memory to correctly handle validation. To allocate this additional memory for your SQL Server, follow these steps:

  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager from the Start menu

  2. Select SQL Server Services from the left pane. A list of SQL Servers appears on the right pane.

  3. Select the appropriate database from the right pane – for instance, SQL Server (instance name).
  4. Open the SQL Server Properties dialog by double-clicking the selected database or by selecting Properties from the context menu.

  5. Click the Advanced tab in the properties dialog.
  6. Under Startup Parameters open the pop-up list. Append the following flag to the end of the list:;-g 1000

  7. Click Apply to save the modification. Your SQL Server now has enough memory to process validation during login.
  8. Click OK to save and exit the properties dialog.
  9. Restart the database.