You are here: Getting Started > Changing Preferences > To customize toolbars

To customize toolbars

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. Select the tab that corresponds to the toolbar you want to customize. For example, select Commands to customize the Command bar.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • To add an icon for a command that is not currently visible on the toolbar, select the icon in the dialog and drag it to the position on the toolbar in which you want it to display.
  • To remove an icon from the toolbar, click the icon on the toolbar and drag it off the toolbar.
  • To return to the default presentation of the toolbars, click the tab for the toolbar you want customize, and then click Default.
  • In addition to displaying or hiding the three available toolbars, you can also add or remove the actual icons that appear on the toolbars.
  • To access the Customize command quickly, right-click on a toolbar, and then click Customize.