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Project dialog - Staff

Staff | Issues | Budget

Use this tab to assign or un-assign staff members to the specified client project. You can filter the staff list from the staff tab in the Project Management area.

A list of staff members in the firm.

A list of staff members assigned to the client project.

Select the appropriate staff members from "All Staff" and click to assign the selected staff to the client project.

Select the appropriate staff members from "Selected Staff" and click to un-assign the selected staff from the client project.

Use these buttons to select or deselect all entries in the "All Staff" window.

Note: Keyboard controls (shift and ctrl) are available to select staff members as well. To select multiple staff members in sequence select the first staff member, hold down the Shift key, and select the last staff member in sequence. To select multiple staff members not in sequence select each staff member while holding down the Ctrl key.

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