Reverse Interest command

Use this command to reverse interest charges on overdue accounts. You can reverse interest invoices within a specified period.

Interest charges are reversed automatically from the invoice journal and statements. You cannot reverse applied interest invoices.

In the Reverse Interest dialog you can view all unapplied interest invoices. Specify a desired period to locate the relevant invoices. You have the option of reversing all interest invoices within your specified period or selecting individual interest invoices.

Select or specify a date range to view all interest invoices between the specified dates. Use the drop-down calendar to select dates or specify dates in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Reverse all or only selected unapplied interest invoices.

Select this option to reverse all unapplied interest invoices listed.

Select this option to reverse selected unapplied interest invoices listed.


Interest charges cannot be reversed for applied interest invoices.

This table displays the unapplied interest invoices posted within the specified period. If you select the option 'Reverse Selected unapplied Interest Invoices' you can select individual invoices from the checkbox column that appears.

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