Sets access rights for items on the Process menu. Select those options you want users to be able to access ().
Time: Own
If selected, allows the user to access and modify his/her own time entries.
Time: All
If selected, allows the user to access and modify ALL time entries.
Time: Approver
If selected, the user can approve time entries.
Expense: Own
If selected, allows the user to access and modify his/her own expense entries.
Expense: All
If selected, allows the user to access and modify ALL expense entries.
Expense: Approver
If selected, the user can approve expense entries.
Billings from WIP: All
If selected, allows the user to access and modify ALL invoices.
Billings from WIP: Lock Final Invoices
If selected, allows the user to lock Final Invoices.
Billings from WIP: Edit locked Final Invoices
If selected, allows the user to edit invoices after it is locked.
WIP Transfer
If selected, the user can transfer unbilled time and expenses from one client to another or transfer the transactions to specific projects and subprojects.
Miscellaneous invoice
If selected, allows the user to access and modify ALL miscellaneous invoices.
If selected, allows the user to process interest charges.
Cash receipts
If selected, allows the user to access and modify cash receipts.
Credit notes
If selected, allows the user to access and modify credit notes.
Account reconciliation
If selected allows the user to perform account reconciliation.
Cash receipt transfer
If selected, allows the user to transfer cash receipts from one client to another.
Cash receipt reversal
If selected, allows the user to reverse cash receipts.
Recurring invoices
If selected, allows the user to process recurring invoices.
Tax invoices
If selected, allows the user to process tax invoices.