Users and Groups dialog

Use this command to modify user information and to create or modify user groups with access rights to areas of the file.

Provides a listing of all active staff in the staff list. You can modify the properties of existing staff records. User names are used in implementing protection for a file.

Staff members who are currently assigned to a group or groups in the current file are represented by images\userunassigned2006_shg.gif. Staff members who are not yet assigned to a protection group are represented by images\userassigned2006_shg.gif.

Click to modify the properties of an existing staff member ID.

Click to open the Staff setup dialog and create a new staff member as you are setting up protection users and groups.

To add a user to a group, select a user from the list under staff members, select the group to which you want to assign the staff member, and then click the right arrow. You can also drag staff members to the applicable groups.

To remove a user from a group, select a user from the list under Available Groups and click the left arrow. You can also drag staff member to other groups or back to the Staff Member list to remove them from a group.

Represents a listing of all available groups that may be assigned to the selected user. Each group can have separate permissions for the current file. You can move staff from one group to another by dragging the staff member to the applicable group. Click the Group button (images\protectgroup2006_shg.gif) to view the staff assigned to a group.

Click to create a new group.

Click to delete a group. Groups to which staff members are currently assigned cannot be deleted.

Select a group and then click to modify a group and its access rights.

Click this button to assign documents on the Document Manager to the protection group highlighted in the groups window.

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