You are here: Help Topics > Documents > Using the documents > Setting global defaults for Time documents

Setting global defaults for Time documents

Please be aware that any editing done from the Company Profile 4 Documents tab is a global change to the all documents generated by Time.

  1. On the File menu, click Company Profile
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Select the number of staff roles (0 to 4) that will be working with this file and the type of work carried out by each role.
  4. Enter page layout options for printouts of automatic type documents.
  5. Under Wording of Text, specify how you would like each of the terms listed to appear on all of your CaseView and automatic documents, e.g., abbreviations, all capital letters.
  6. Specify options for printing client reports.
  7. Specify options for printing staff information.
  8. In the Tax Information section, set defaults for how primary tax is presented on invoices.
  9. Enter any user-defined information to appear on the bottom of invoices, statement or credit notes. This information can also be linked to alphanumeric cells in CaseView documents.