Synchronizing the Windows Active Directory with Time
In the File | Company Profile | Staff tab, below the Enable Authentication box is a button labeled Sync. Click this to select the Windows Active Directory users to be available for use in the Time staff list. This functionality is also available when the Sync button in the Staff dialog is clicked.
Converted Time File -- Existing Time Users
If you have converted the Time file from a previous version, the timekeepers were already set up in that version. The first step is to match up the previous timekeeper records with those in the Windows Active Directory.
- Review the list of Active Directory users and match the Timekeepers in the Time program to it. Select the Active Directory user in the browse, click the Timekeeper column to bring up the Timekeeper list from the staff list in Time. Select the staff member. This will check the Synchronized box. If the user in Time has a password in the Active Directory, then when they open the program the Time Login dialog will not appear.
- If the user in Time does not have a password in the Windows Active Directory, then when they log into the program it will ask them to input their Time password. The password used in previous versions of Time is used when Time is run offline.
New Time File -- New Users
New users of Time have no previous timekeeper list to match to the Windows Active Directory. Synchronization with the Windows Active Directory involves only selecting the users who will also be timekeepers, meaning they will be in the Time staff list.
- Review the Windows Active Directory list and for each user who is to be imported from the Active Directory to Time, click the Synchronized check box.
- To specify a default Time staff password for new users being synchronized, type a password in the box Default Online Password.
It’s a good idea to force the user to change the password the first time the user logs in by checking the applicable box in thecolumn (Force Password Change). Note that the user must have an active staff record in the Time file.
- Open the Setup | Staff dialog and click the New button. This will bring up a list of staff members from the active directory in which you synchronized in the above step. Select the staff members you want in Time and the staff information will be written to the staff dialog from the Active Directory.
- Staff number will be the persons initials from the Active Directory, if the initials already exist in the Time the program will add a number to the initials to make it unique.