You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Project Management > Project Roll Forward Wizard - Client and Budget Options

Project Roll Forward - Client and Budget Options

This wizard guides you through the intermediary steps required to complete a project roll forward. Use this wizard to advance your project settings to the next project cycle.

In the following two wizard screens you can specify client and budget options for the subsequent project cycle.

Client project roll forward options apply to specific client projects, dates, issues, notes and budgets. Here you can override the default settings you applied in the Project Management area.

Select to roll forward either All or only Selected client projects.

If you choose Selected, a Client Project button appears. Click this button to access the "Project to Roll Forward" dialog and select the individual client projects you want to include in the roll forward.

Select the checkboxes for Start Date and Due Date as appropriate. Each of the selected date types increment to the next year during roll forward.

The roll forward option for Year is only available if:

  • the client project has a year assigned but the project template does not, or
  • neither client project or project template has a year assigned.

Otherwise, the Year is automatically checked if the project template has a year assigned. If automatically checked then you cannot modify this option when manually processing or processing when status of template changes to completed

Select to roll forward 'All' issues or 'Issues with Roll Forward option selected'. You can select the roll forward option for a specific issue from the Issues dialog (for more information, see Roll Forward under Description section here).

Select the Roll Forward checkbox to include any notes in the roll forward.

Select client project roll forward behavior for budget details. "Delete budget detail in the Roll Forward Project" resets all budget details after the client project has roll forward. "Leave budget detail in the Roll Forward Project" copies all budget details to the client project on roll forward.

Budget Amounts roll forward options enable you to increase budget amounts. Here you can override the default settings you applied in the Project Management area.

When selected, the "Budget amounts without detail" option becomes active. At this point, you can add a percentage increase to the budget for projects on roll forward. As staff and work code rates increase from year to year, your budget amounts will reflect this increase.

Enter a percentage for budget amounts to be increased after roll forward.